Temporary Business Partner
You might be a founder or entrepreneur who has been running the business solo for a few years, or has no other senior manager to bounce ideas off of and move the business forward. I can help you build your strategy and lay the groundwork for bringing on the right team members to grow your business.
Strategy + Marketing Officer
You might be a small or mid-sized company missing these key skills at the executive level. I can work with your senior team to define core strategic objectives—for the company or a division—the tactics for achieving those objectives, and the execution plan. With those foundational pieces in place, we can work together to put plans into action.
Behaviour Change Interventions
You might be a project lead at an INGO looking for a Team Lead to spearhead a project to change behaviours in a vulnerable community. Design research, leading local field teams, analysis and synthesis, and building actionable strategies on key insights are skills I can bring to the table. Additionally, I can help the team bring those strategies to life through rapid prototype and user testing to validate feasibility, viability, and impact.
Innovation + Rapid Prototyping + MVP
You might have a new idea for a product or service but aren’t sure yet if it’s viable. I can help you fail fast, fail cheap, learn from users, and iterate until you have a MVP that can be user tested. If you don’t have a new idea yet, but need one to gain (or regain) your competitive advantage, I’d suggest we do an Innovation Sprint to come up with, and test, as many ideas as possible.